“It always protects…” (1 Corinthians 13:7)
We are back on our love series. The next feature of love is that it always protects. The Greek word translated as “protect” actually means to have a roof over or to cover.
True love does not give undue publicity to the faults and weaknesses of others. Apostle Peter put it this way:
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8)
This does not in any way imply condoning sin. The protective nature of love focuses on helping people become better instead of trumpeting their faults. Consider the following two scenarios:
A: Someone identifies a fault of yours and goes about discussing it with others.
B: Another person discovers this same fault of yours and comes to draw your attention personally, prays with you and refrains from making it a public discussion.
Which of these two people will make you feel loved? The second right? Why don’t you practise the same with your spouse, children, colleagues and all the people God has given you?
It’s the competitive nature of our world today that makes us enjoy discussing the weaknesses of people instead of taking practical steps to help them.
The amazing thing is that when you “make a roof” over people in love, you’re able to help them become better. Never forget that love always protects.
Remain inspired!