“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)
Today, we continue with our series on the Beatitudes. The second of the blessed group of people, as far as the kingdom of God is concerned, are those who mourn.
In these Beatitudes, Jesus is trying to help us to view life from God’s perspective. Hardly will blessedness be associated with mourning, humanly speaking. But those who walk closely with God will mourn over what God mourns over.
It is a mark of deep spirituality to be moved by what moves God. It is an intimacy that knits one’s soul to the Holy Spirit to the point of feeling His grief.
David was upset with Goliath who taunted the people of God. Jeremiah mourned over sinful Israel. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, and was worried for God’s people because they were like scattered sheep without a shepherd.
What do you mourn over? Are you mournful over perishing souls and the decline of morality? Your nearness to God determines the spiritual burden you carry.
Remember that those who mourn are blessed because they will be comforted both in this life and hereafter.
Remain inspired!