Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. (Proverbs 4:23)
The Scripture above is loaded with many lessons. First of all, the emotions and thoughts we allow to dominate our hearts determine the course of our lives.
Secondly, when it comes to matters of the heart and mind, we have direct control and personal responsibility. It’s our responsibility to keep our hearts rid of all negative emotions and thoughts.
Thirdly, it takes deliberate and diligent efforts to keep our hearts in check. Stray thoughts and emotions can easily control us if we allow them.
If we allow unforgiveness and vindictiveness to take root in our hearts, they will degenerate into bitterness and mar the beauty of our character.
In order to keep going in the right direction in life, we must diligently protect our hearts from all impurities of the soul. May God grant us the strength to do the hard work of protecting our hearts.
Remain inspired!
author’s WhatsApp: +233 20 707 9250