The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has assured the general public that Menthodex Cough mixture currently on their Ghanaian market is safe.
The assurance comes in the wake of information being circulated on social media about Menthodex Cough mixture with a manufacturing date of April 2019.
The FDA said it initiated investigations to find out the source of the product “but our initial checks by the Market Surveillance Team have indicated that the said Menthodex is not on the Ghanaian market”.
It noted that all Menthodex registered for the Ghanaian market are safe for use and are imported by a local agent directly from Bells Sons & Co (Druggist) Limited, Gifford House, Slidbum Crescent, South Pont, Merseyside PR 9 9AL, United Kingdom.
The Food and Drugs Authority asked the general public to check the following before buying any FDA regulated product: English labeling, Manufacturing date, Expiry or Best Before Date, a Traceable address.
The public has been entreated to report any suspicious product to the FDA to help investigations.
“Finally, anyone who might be in possession of a sample of the said Menthodex Cough Mixture with false manufacturing date of April 2019 should kindly submit to the nearest FDA office or you may contact the FDA through any of the following contacts for any information or enquiry related to the FDA’s mandate.”
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