A 22-year-old labourer, Paul Frafra, has hanged himself on a mango tree in a bush between Kotoso and Ahinase in the Kwahu East District of the Eastern Region.
The deceased’s boss, Mumuni Yakubu, reported at the Kwahu Tafo police station that he left the labourer home on June 13, 2018 and met his absence upon return.
All efforts to trace him proved futile, he said, only to be told on Thursday, June 14, 2018 that Paul has been found hanging on a mango tree.
He reported the incident to the police in Kwahu Tafo who moved to the scene and found Paul Fafra hanged with a nylon rope, dead.
Police reports indicate that from the ground to his feet measured four feet while from his neck to the ground measured eleven feet.
No marks of violence were found on him.
The deceased has been conveyed to the Kwahu Government Hospital mortuary at Atibie for autopsy and preservation.
By Yvonne Neequaye|3news.com|Ghana
Warning: Below is how Paul was found on the tree; the picture could be disturbing